Sources of Cyanide
INTRODUCTION Cyanide is a chemical compound possessing highly toxic potential. It is present in three spheres that are atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water) and in lithosphere (soil). Cyanide is a unique chemical compound used to manufacture hundreds of everyday goods, and chances are that today you will use many products that included cyanide in its manufacture. These products may include vitamins (B12), jewellery, adhesives, computer electronics, fire retardants, airplane brakes, cosmetics, dyes, nylon, nail polish remover, paints, pharmaceuticals, Plexiglas, rocket propellant, and table salt. The manufacturing of these products takes place every day around the world with little knowledge from the general public that cyanide is a critical ingredient in their manufacture. Indeed, without cyanide it would not be possible to manufacture such widely used items as nylon and many vitamins and other medications. Products made by using Cyanide Cyanide is a relatively to...